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RN Tecnologia is a company specialized in oil and gas wells monitoring and automation.
Proven experience of over fifteen years of services provided.
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Get to know our MAP system

Oil well monitoring

Manage to use a complete oil wells monitoring and supervising system. An artificial lift multi-method and multi-controller supervising system, with the ability to have all your well data in real time anywhere.

Oil well monitoring
Less downtime
Track the wells production

Industrial automation projects and services

Monitoring, consulting, project, installation, maintenance and much more! We deliver the solution for your oil assets automation.

Ensure the quality of your automation project is guaranteed with over 15 years of experience in the field and the very best in technology for systems and automation.

Efficiency in the security and transmission of your data
Advanced technology
Experience in automation

Industry Software Developer

Trust the development of your system to those who have experience in software development for the industry.

Develop your software with a company that deeply understands the needs of the industry, and has a team of professionals ready to deliver the solution to your problems.

Made for your company
Robust Project
Cutting-edge technology

Well automation design, maintenance and installation.

We do consulting services, project, installation and assisted start-up of oil well automation.

A RN Tecnologia atua em projetos de automação de poços, infraestrutura de comunicação e partida assistida. Confie a automação de seus poços a uma empresa que possui mais de 15 anos de experiência na área, trabalhando com as principais automações de mercado.

Consonância às normas de segurança
Sistemas de telecomunicação
Experiência em automação de poços

Discover other products and services

Industrial automation projects and services

We do consulting services, project, installation and assisted start-up of oil well automation.

Industry Software Developer

Trust the development of your system to those who have experience in software development for the industry.

Design, maintenance and installation of well automation

Monitoring, consulting, project, installation, maintenance and much more! We deliver the solution for your oil assets automation.

Some of the companies that trusts us

See our success stories

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Lucas Trindade

Founder & CEO

Acompanhe as novidades exclusivas do nosso Blog

Métodos de elevação de petróleo
Gas and Oil

Know the 4 main oil lifting methods.

Antes de mais nada, para garantir que todos os métodos de elevação de petróleo sejam claros para você, precisamos contextualizar algumas coisas básicas. Primeiramente, no contexto da indústria petrolífera, o termo ?elevação? é usado para

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Comunicação Industrial

Industrial communication in industry 4.0

A comunicação industrial pode parecer um assunto muito complicado no primeiro momento, porém, como você verá nesse conteúdo, a comunicação industrial nada mais é que a forma como os dados serão transmitidos ao longo de

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